Collection: Non-Alcoholic Ciders

Small Acres Golden Knot Non-Alcoholic Ciders

The Golden Knots are a simple combination of fresh fruit and bubbles. No added sugar, water, colour or flavours. Apple and Pear was a Silver Medal winner at Sydney Royal 2024 and the Apple and Cherry was a Silver Medal winner at the Australian Cider Awards 2024.

Originally something to reward the hard-working kids, the Golden Knot non-alcoholic ciders have become a favourite for adults who feel like drinking something special without the alcohol.  The lovely natural sweetness of crisp fresh fruit in a glass.

For those who do like alcohol, mix the Apple and Cherry in a glass with a little Gin, or add some Vodka to the Apple and Pear for a lovely sweet and refreshing mixed drink.

Non-Alcoholic Cider - Small Acres Cyder